Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Nora Istrefi 1000 here Video


Anonymous said...

Nora sang this song for the first time on tv as a guest of TopRTK show programme, where she was invited to attend after winning the TopSong title for the month of October 2006. The winning of this title which was accompanied by the release of her new videoclip "E di" marks a new comeback by Nora Istrefi who is proving to her fans that she is persistent in her path to achieving a career success. Her previous clip "Nje djal" did not have the desired boom effect the way it did for example the "Negativ" or "Pse te dua" last year. You have a chance to watch an interview with Nora conducted by the moderators of the TopRTK show programme, Fitore Rexhepi & Erleta Hoti by visiting noraistrefi.blogspot.com. And as usual, your comments are appreciated. Let me guess, the way she dressed on this video, will be one of the subjects for discussion.e.g. flashing boobs and bum (not there yet but nearly there by inches)! We must admit she's got the right stuff though!

Anonymous said...

ciao nora albumi yt i fundit me ka pelqy pa mas ndersa ai i pari jo ,po oj nora pash zotin kam degjuar se ke qen e dshura e ati magjupit te tingullit 3 po asht e vertet,po ai ash magjup gabel i flliqt magjup ka lind magjup dot vdes ae ke degju nji keng qe kendon me at magjupen e shqipris ae din se ajo ka punu prostetut rrugve t italis nji koh e tash ka shku ne kosov tna flliq kombin me at gabelin ton te tingulli 3 apo si quhet ai ash i flliqur gabel magjup i poshter qe kendon asi keng,kuptohet se ne te gjitha vendet e botes kaq lloje te ndryshme te muzikes po keng te flliqura nuk kendohet askund ne bot,te paret jan ata magjupt idiot te pa moralshum magjupi i kosoves me prostetuten e shqipris un e njof shum mir at djalin nga vlora qe ka sjell ktu ne itali bashk me disa shoqe te saj qe sot akoma jan ktu rrugve t italis ,te lutem nora ne heren tjeter te kesh kujdes ne dashuri se je nji vajz e bukur,,,ciao deni itali

Anonymous said...

Ani qka nese e ka pas frajer qysh thon ne Kosov se atje qkas shpifet.Jom ne Angli edhe ktu kendojn asi kenge sosht asgje ere.Eshte ere pse mos te provoj djemt ka kalu ajo koh me u martu qorras ose me u pa 2,3 here edhe me u martu nese ski dialog fmij jo spo me duket asgje tragjike.Po me pengojn fjalete banale qe po perdoren per kengetaret tona.Shum te teprume,nese ke zo pse mos te provojn estraden te gjitha.Edhe nese dikujt i pelqen Nora sgucon me ju afru se mendojn qe qasht eshte po mos u tutni per ato qe dalin ashiqare te msheftat jan te rrezikshme.Ardiana nga Londra