Sunday, June 10, 2007

Me Ramushi Haradinaj - Boll ka fol Kulla

A song for Ramush Haradinaj "Rambo"

This is a joint project in support to Ex-prime minister of Kosova, Ramush Haradinaj "RAMBO", who is currently defending his case in the Hague. During the war in Kosova 1999, Ramush Haradinaj was a KLA "UCK Ushtria Clirimtare E Kosoves" commander and fought against Serb occupying forces. Similar to Fatmir Limaj, who's case was heard in the Hague and he was cleared of all charges, all kosovars expect the same to happen to Ramush Haradinaj as we all believe that he conducted a clean war against the serbian killing machinery without harming innocent civilians.

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