Friday, February 17, 2006

Hana Band Problem Video


Anonymous said...

jeni ma te miret vetem vazhdoni keshtu

Anonymous said...

Hey Hana Band per bes jeni the best Grup veq vazhdoni keshtu tung tung kaloni mir , veq vashdoni keshtu si jeni edhe fitoni fanca ne favor te juajin (L)I love you kaltrina ne zemer te kam tunggggg (L)(L)

Anonymous said...

kaltrina selimi the best of singer (K)

ej shum keq keni ba qe jeni nda edhe mkeni dal prej qefit krejt hana band jon kon teper tmir amo me kaltrinen e me ryven edhe mjellmen ... ncuk (jo)

tash mo sju ngoj kurr veq kaltrina u kan yll aty ma emira edhe veq qe u kan ajo ju kom ngu

Anonymous said...

Pa Kaltrinen kot e keni.

Anonymous said...

Kaltrina Selimi 99% Hana Band.
Kot e keni.

Anonymous said...

shit shit pa kaltrinen

Anonymous said...

Hana Band doesn't exist anymore, without Kaltrina they're nothing, eventhough she left from Hana band she's still safe because she got the fans with her........usa,NY

Anonymous said...

shum keq keni bo qe jeni nda. qka e keni marr ato dy sorra


Anonymous said...

ju jeni idiotat e estrades.grup pa strategji.tash mundeni me kendu naper stacione te autobusave.kur ti largoni edhe kto dyja merreni grat e juve ti shikojm a po dridhen mir.

Anonymous said...

hey hana you are very cool

Anonymous said...

qyre bre hana bend qa po ju thom ju pa kaltrinen svleni kurgja veq ajo ju ka ba te famshum tash masi ajo nuk asht me juve ju ka ra firma kuku ani kit teuten qi e kini marr ma mir mos e qitni as ni spot se kan me kesh me juve po e kom ni kshill shum te mir nese doni qe te jeni grupi ma i mir ne kosove veq kaltrina munet me ju nimu po une nuk besoj qe ajo ju kthehet se e ka marr vesh se kush jeni ju ani ky LLAPA KATASTROF KREJT FAQEZINJ JENI TE TRET

Anonymous said...

developments since its inception. In roughly chronological order they are Dixieland, swing/big band, bebop, hard bop, cool jazz, free jazz, jazz fusion and smooth jazz. Jazz is primarily an instrumental form of music. The instrument most closely associated with jazz may be the saxophone, followed closely by the trumpet. The trombone, piano, double bass, guitar and drums are also primary

Anonymous said...

grupi hana band ka qene grupi im i preferuar kur ka qen me kaltrina selimi.qka jeni ak boni veq po e nderroni vokalisten kush e eka renin tash

Anonymous said...

Oooo llokuma jini HANABAND........

Anonymous said...

Vokalistja e re TEUTA ast e mir po ju jeni katastrof

Anonymous said...

ti lokumi; ja puthsh lokumin nellson mendeles
me vjen keq se nuk po te njoh po e bajsh me shnet ose e hangsh me shnet

Anonymous said...

vokalistja e tret(teuta blaka)eshte e vertet,vetem nese ajo ko miu fut ktynve se kta qysh po shihet kan deshtu me te paren kaltrinen dhe me ato te dyjat.teuta njihet si nder vokalistet ma te mira,ndoshta mu dredhav neper kamera jo.TEUTA jenam e ty veq perpara,,,,

Anonymous said...

teuta osht shume e mire per me ndjet si suvenit hana band o daj i vyn ni kangtare s dot thote kaltrina se ka 1 milion mat mira se ajo po i nevojitet njo qe dridhet edhe qe i kall balat e Kosoves se qashtu kan qef ata me pas tul n skene si kaltrina :P se jo qe u kan diqka ma e mire se kto

Anonymous said...

hej,ti ma nalt qaty.Po du me te thon qe nuk paske lidhje per vlersim.Kaltrina eshte kengtare e lindur per skene.Asaj i ka hije cdo gjest cdo levizje. E ti blej do syza kqyre TV ma mire se sic po duket spo shihshe mire....
Kaltrina je YLLLLLLLL qao.

Anonymous said...

Me kto qe po thu e trash e tul po ma merr menja se se paske pa Kaltrinen kurr live se me pa kishe pas tjeter mendim.....asni kengetare nuk osht ma e mire se kaltrina live asnjo,une e kom pa e mka pelqy shume...ajo ka bukuri natyrore qe veq Zoti ka dit me ja fal....Kaltrina je yllll skom fjal per ty veq vazhdo je ma e mira.....krenohemi me ty.....te dua shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum Loni

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info » » »